Indeed, Arkadyrose did fine. Places like that are MINE, are safe, are meant to be shields against the outside world. What Im trying to get at is that it was fine because Third Person inserted themselves, rather than because big expensive things get a pass.. I never lived in those days. My brother and sister-in-law wound up super-stressed because not only did her mother and father invite themselves over, but they brought her brother, his wife and their twin toddlers. Offer To Fix Him A Meal Gah. 3. We were working adults with careers, although not particularly demanding ones. I recommend Using Your Words: I was raised that its rude to assume Im invited to something just because its being discussed in my presence. This approach leaves me feeling frustrated because maybe I dont want to do that thing, or perhaps want to rest or need to do errands or whatever else, but feeling trapped because I already admitted I am available. Or if Im entertaining Alice who is my sister-in-law I will feel fine talking about this family event, to which Bob- not my brother!- is not invited. I had acquaintances that did that to me (hence not friends). *I am the ocean* Besides, youre awesome and you deserve specific plans made to hang out with you, you are worth peoples going outside pants. Another time maybe and then talk about something else. For my part, since most of my friends are similar, I try to make a habit of going, hey, do you want advice here, or are you just venting?. I tend to get to parties and stuff early because I have severe anxieties about being late. It makes me feel good. For me, it is always better to err on the side of asking first. And sometimes people drift apart and one person downgrades the relationship from best friend to merely friends. And very rarely is the answer reschedule. For any other reason just tell the truth, tell her you want to watch your favourite movie with her or cook together or whatever that may be of interest for the both of you. People seem to vary widely, so Im a big proponent of Ask, not Guess. I never knew how long the visit would be. This was a bigger issue for my girlfriend at the time, but after a certain time hospitality would dictate that we offer food or drink, which extends the visit and expends house resources. I mean, math can still be hard, but its sooo much easier than solving math problems WITHOUT doing math, haha. After reading how to get a girl to come over to your house, don't take it for granted. i hear you, and i for sure do not think you should have to explain to people why you do not want them glued to your side at all times. In my family growing up, having company over meant at least two hours of scrubbing the entire house, and our mother berating us all for how filthy and embarrassing we were. When, or if, is it okay to try to invite yourself to something? I want to come to stuff, but I dont log in that often so I miss a lot of posts.. If you are not an excellent cook, then dont be discouraged. I dont think you did it deliberately or out of meanness, but it can feel that way when youre trying to African Violet someone without telling them thats what youre doing. Hey, these new gaslights I bought, arent they great? My friend was not receptive to this type of hang-out (she is the kind who shame-cleans SO HARD, so I think an unannounced visit is a tiny version of Hell for her). I think it comes from the assumption that people in certain cultures have that everyone keeps their houses a basic level of clean. But at this point (now that Im more confident with myself, which was the hardest thing) I dont feel obligated to invite All Members Of The Group but I also dont feel like I have to shepherd anyones feelings. Mentioning that you are getting married in a month and are busy with wedding planning, in the course of some other conversation, is hardly a taunt. (7 Key Reasons). Weekend, so chance to sleep in and do chores. Ah, but would you just invite yourself in for pasghetti? What we can do is trust the LWs perception of their own life and their own relationships prior to this point. Asking a little in advance gives me a chance to refuse if Im busy or say yes enthusiastically (and shame-clean) if Im not. I dont get it a lot, but I did only start hearing that from people after I moved to San Francisco, so maybe it is a regional thing. Sometimes, the people issuing invitations have just screwed up. I get a LOT more casual invitations for movie-watching or whatever from people I speak to every day or two. In the time before cell phones, or when Ive lived in more rural settings or traveled outside the U.S., the norms were and are different. Im actually good at reading body language and other social cues, when everyone around me isnt lying to me all the time. There are so many places and cultures out there, maybe its still normal for some people? You could mention that you have a commitment after and will need to leave his place by a given time. I enjoy doing that the way some people enjoy playing softball. AUGH the theres always a but makes me so RAGEY. My best friend lives in a large apartment building downtown in our mid-sized city. How do you meet your friends? Remember to be yourself and be cool and casual during the conversation. I dont see whats wrong with this type of text (or phone call) in general, though if a person has anxiety about getting texts / phone calls, I wouldnt do it so as to respect their feelings. Imagine a group of coworkersor classmates or casual acquaintances you know from your board games group or whatever are discussing their weekend plans. I did nonetheless feel foolish I hadnt thought to use it! I dont mind people inviting themselves over as long as I have some notice, and of course if were pretty good friends to begin with. Lets see I have body pump at ten stop at the store home at noon, shower yeah how about one, one thirty? do not show up at 12:30. Oh eek. And maybe its just me, but honestly? I have a dear friend who provides me with an interesting variation of this broader issue: inviting other friends of HIS along to plans that I (or others among our mutual friends) try to make with him. I also know that not everyone enjoys the kind of cleaning/hosting prep I described and its obviously not required (that would be insane). Sorry for the messiness of the paragraph. The rule Ive always applied (both in how I approach others and in how I work out if friends are being reasonable or pushy) is does an ask have an easy way for the askee to say no. The hugest part of it is that I cannot bear to have people see inside my house unless it is perfectly tidy and the floors vacuumed/washed, and every surface freshly wiped down, and no dirty dishes, and with refreshments ready etc (thank you, my mother, for your hostess-shame legacy) and as mentioned I have children. Were all moving to different cities now so I guess it wont be a problem any more with that specific group. ! like, uhh, at home because I thought the plans were canceled since you never got back to me.. In either scenario, its not up to the world or culture to decide on your close friends. If they dont act like they like me (even if they actually do but dont bother to behave like they do), they obviously dont want to really be friends. Which might be fine, but might feel invasive depending on your relationship with the person (I frequently carpool with people I dont know well, who Im in no way on a visiting each others houses kind of relationship with). It is exactly what the Captain says about her not having the bandwidth to reach out to me so maybe I should just let it go but I miss her so much and I dont want to lose the connection. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. And, in nMoms reality, faaaaaaaaaaaamily can walk into your bedroom and shout at you or shake your mattress until you wake up, because she is a total asshole with no consideration for other people. Anyway, its experience that suggests to me that his anger, the lack of proportion in its expression, and the total non sequitur of you not respecting his work (Ive shown up early at peoples work, they tell me to grab a magazine and wait) when hes not working, is 100% not about you. Just, unlock the door and walk right on in. The best option is to talk to him about it, see what his expectations might be, and then decide what you are comfortable with. In university I lived in dorms, and living on campus was sort of an implicit youre always free. Bandaid-off time, I think: Hey, friend, lets go to brunch on Sunday, and this invitation is for only you. I really really hate it when people use cultural differences as a convenient excuse to behave badly.It makes me feel like it's my fault for not knowing how things are supposedly done in this country. I totally agree with youthat comment seemed kind of shamey, like things were so much better when people actually talked to each other kind of thing that we get when the topic of talking to strangers comes up. if people are really always deflecting blame away from themselves and harming the relationship, there are ways to get that point across gently, as part of a dialogue, without silencing. If Son and T are friends, cant Son invite T over himself? If I am picking you up at a certain time, best practice dictates that you are at the door, ready to go. Im not the kind of person who would appreciate a random drop by. Other friends, other rules. My partner had a, You should come to our party next Saturday! Sure! conversation at a party, and, being Irish, she figured it was a friendly fun thing that people say and promptly forgot about it. Side note in regards to the hosting habit as something that is not done AT other people but is really about the host: Remember those episodes of FRIENDS when they switched apartments and Monica was desperate to have people come to the apartment she was in because she loved being the one who hosted? i have had that used on me enough by a gaslighty ex that i break out in hives when i hear it. If shes the one who called you out for inviting yourself, then you know now that shed prefer you wait for an invitation. I know for me, its a bit of both. But I do think its actually not very polite to do it. So hell come back! Er yes, you have? What do you do? In the other case making plans was nearly impossible and incredibly inconvenient, so dropping by felt like a nice surprise. A friend of mine lives there and I dont get to see her that often. people that wont stop by even when theyre in the area, even if they are driving right by, even if they have nothing pressing to do, JUST because some people think its rude.- Do you actually know thats why, though? If she does make plans with you and invest something into the friendship, I think switching to Im going to be in your area running errands, want to meet for coffee/lunch/whatever? is going to prevent any future issues. THEM: Oh man, well definitely come along next time!. Its just no longer prudent to do so, unfortunately. Constantly. So far it seems to work. . Its uncomfortable for the non-invitee, as well. Well, one way is not to mention things to people if theyre not invited. You know, I was- For many of the situations below it was generally agreed you shouldn't invite yourself along: A big factor in whether inviting yourself may be acceptable are the traits of the person putting the outing together, as well as the other people who are attending: There's no real trick to asking if you can come along to a get together. Then she's probably looking for an exciting night between the sheets. In that case, politeness would dictate that the person picking up the other person would walk to the door and ring the bell. Anything less clear than that (ME: What are you doing after kickball? / THEM: Were going to the Pun-Off!), and I assume that I am not invited. Let your life and worth ethic speak for itself. YES. Some of my mothers friends assume that its only polite to call when youre in the area and see if they want to hang out, and some of my generation shame-clean less than other people. again, we dont all have to be friends. At this point, with another adult, I would definitely stop asking until I got some kind of positive movement from the other party. Hoshit, I missed the cleaning remark the first time. Come for dinner tonight at 8:00 is an invitation, Come by later is Hey, glad to see you, we should catch up at length soon. I havent spent time in Brazil, so I dont know if thats a Brazilian thing or a dudes-who-grew-up-with-M-specifically-where-he-grew-up thing but it is a real thing, and M. has had to rethink and clarify it for American friends now that he lives here. I wish I had pulled back way way in the beginning but I craved the friendship and closeness. Im from a small, rural town, and in my small-town culture, people would routinely drop by your house if they were passing by and saw your car in the driveway, especially if you were close to them. Or you could be waiting on the porch/by the window and ready to go, since someones being nice enough to pick you up? I really feel like its on the person with lower boundaries to say Hey, I am totally up for spontaneous hangouts so drop by whenever.. Obviously a glass of water isnt an imposition, especially if youve been riding a bike around, but it feeds into number 1. If you can improve the overall social impression you make you'll give yourself more leeway to invite yourself to things. Does anyone else feel really weird even discussing plans with someone if you arent inviting them to join you? I definitely make sure my friends all know that I might have to cancel closer to an event if Im feeling terrible (depressive/anxiety). Until one evening when I kind of rebelled against it by lingering for five or ten minutes and ignoring the cues to get out. I'm currently working with clients who live in Ontario, Canada: Copyright 2006-2023 One caveat to this is if you KNOW youre going to be near me every Saturday at Noon, and you start texting me every Saturday at 11, I might get annoyed. But talking to someone- or more likely in front of someone- about the fun game night six of your ten closest friends were at but one of the conversants wasnt? Don't expect him to have everything you need. Shes also introverted with a limited social energy budget. (And, besides, my experience is that people meeting other people after work at real offices do show up early sometimes, and the expected thing is wait in the lobby and entertain themselves for a bit while the person theyre meeting finishes up their work.). But I also grew up with the unstated understanding that if you bump into your neighbors mowing the lawn or want to drop off a book and chat, you didnt hang around forever and expect them to re-schedule the afternoon. I cant tell if this is a serious enough thing that I should consider a caveat for this type of thing too. Only me. Or if it was only a medium anxiety day I could have a brief chat with them on the stoop/porch and then decline the offer to hang out saying I was in the middle of something. Even if Britney WAS DD as well, that wouldnt be the issue, and bringing in suggestions that shes just like a three-year-old are weird and ableist. Id also consider suddenly showing up at work a much bigger invasion of privacy. I do quite like the idea of a I am around your area, if you happen to be free want to get a coffee? message with no guilt if I am not at home/in the middle of an Avatar: The Last Airbender marathon/having sex/just dont wanna, though. I dont understand it. Otherwise, leave your card with Jeeves, and Ill return your call at my earliest convenience. The solution is to not let her throw it back at you. The soft invite is way too easy to brush off, especially with the level of over-scheduling that exists at certain socio-economic levels. I totally understand that shame cleaning is a thing and I know the shame aspect of cleaning comes from a wide array of sources both personal and cultural and have felt/done it myself in certain circumstances. 4. This is a more specific but still open ended suggestion that allows them to specify how much time they have to devote to hanging out, and pick a place that is convenient to them. Her depression means that sometimes shit just doesnt get done, but her mental and physical health outweigh the need to vacuum or wash up. understanding what the other person wants you to do or say about it If anyone pulled up a trailer around back, they hid it well. You'll make your life much simpler. I once got taken by surprise by my cousin at her birthday party asking why my boyfriend hadnt come. German/Dutch person: *is at the cinema at 7.45 on Thursday wondering where the hell the Irish person is*. It works pretty well . Ask him if he has any dessert requests, but don't ask him to buy half the ingredients for the dinner. If you're arranging a larger gathering you can naturally also use a mix of these methods. 10 minutes? In my case, when I finally was the one to make the clean break after being led on, she cried and wanted forgiveness and blamed me for not forgiving her. Its worth asking in terms of, We would love to have T. over this month, when would be a good time? Its a little bit presumptuous, as the phrasing presumes that of course T.s parents would be delighted to have the playdateso if they for some reason arent okay with that, theyll have to use their Adulting Skills and make their refusal more clearbut right now the ball needs to be put in their court with a little more firmness. CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE MADE PLANS TO SEE A FUNNY MOVIE. She made it to the wedding, informed me the night before she was supposed to arrive at my house that she would be staying with someone else, and left the wedding early. It'd be too much trouble to formally ask everyone each time. But I also have friends where hey Im heading that way and Ill be there in an hour can I crash on your couch tonight? is completely acceptable (but also comes with a side of being told no, actually I cant crash tonight because kids are sick/family is in town/someone else has the couch). If this is true, what are some ways you think we might have more fun? If you cant master this obscure, difficult, and insufficiently documented skill set then youre just lazy and rude.. At the time neither of us had discovered Captain Awkward or had the chance to develop any kind of decent social skills for kicking out people like that, so it was multiple hours of awkwardness while we both silently seethed and wished he would leave so we could go the gaming, fooding and sexing we had been hoping to spend the evening doing. If an event just seems like the organizers want to keep it small. (And the good thing is you can be like Im going to be in the CBD today, who wants to get lunch? or can someone come visit me this week and Ill make cookies, studyings driving me up the wall.). I am right there with you! give yourself permission to stop making an effort to get onto their calendar. Here is how I think of this in my brain, if I am making plans I am always attempting to make plans to 1. I love tacos. If they say any form of Thanks, but or That wont work this time because (reasons) or Aw, I wish I could but I have to. Ask means ASK. I hate to say it, but what if they just didnt feel like seeing you that day? Thank you for saying that. I use Handcent SMS instead. talked about what to do if someone seems open to making plans initially, but you never actually seem to make plans, Questioning Questions | Aceso Under Glass, Follow on Seriously, my go-to method is to hide out of sight and pretend Im not in until they give up and go away. , at home because I have had that used on me enough by a given time theyre., Canada: Copyright 2006-2023 after and will need to leave his place by a gaslighty that... Inviting them to join you a much bigger invasion of privacy Son invite over! Leeway to invite yourself to things get onto their calendar Irish person *... Imagine a group of coworkersor classmates or casual acquaintances you know from your games. Invite is way too easy to brush off, especially with the level of clean shed! To not let her throw it back at you the cleaning remark the first time group! 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