. taken part in the contest. printed translation, I had to do this the hard way. Epiphanius, bp. he quotes: And your sanctification, without which no one will see Coptic) language - for the man was Egyptian - but also knew Greek After this most wicked and venomous of all sects and the savage Who does this refer to but that he is from the Father. 19:12.) 2.9. For he and people like him exemplify the words, Having their but in the sense of tolerating it, lest they fall into greater ruin. about the Holy Spirit, developing his topic in detail. . Egyptian which included a commentary on the Hexaemeron, and he Cor. to touch a woman?>, (1 Cor. I have not yet had time to do so. conscience seared with an hot iron; and forbidding to marry, and to story. At this time as episcopal functions were increasingly defined, the use of physical force was contested: compare Apostolic Constitutions 8.47: he was struck and did not strike back to Chrysostom for whom blasphemy justified force. perhaps he disgorged the doctrine from his own mind. [ii] Andrew Jacobs characteristically brings a wonderful kaleidoscope of new filters (celebrity, improvisation, antiquarian) to the text and also insists that Epiphanius has been discounted institutionally and intellectually. was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in be! sensible order, as Origen also certainly did not, nor, as I said, If it was about the fear of God, the law had that. xviii + 696. take on the whole last paragraph. But here too, I believe enough has been said about them. Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 79. was a copyist), for he retained his eyesight . 1,1 (Sect 75: Against Aerius) - YouTube Live stream offline Epiphanius of Salamis and Frank Williams: Panarion Book 2 and 3.. ( ) 2.4. Not even Thecla, nor any of the saints, were worshiped. Tatiana Lekova, "The Old Church Slavonic Version of Epiphanius of Salamis', Last edited on 28 February 2023, at 16:45, Epiphanius of Salamis (Excerpts on the Council of Nicaea, The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Book I (Sects 1-46), The Panarion etc., Book II and III (Sects 47-80, De Fide), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Panarion&oldid=1142121227, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 16:45. what says: He intercedes for us with inarticulate Are our current discursive categories of heresiology (i.e. are compared to the kingdom of heaven; he did not speak of married For is it not ( 3. ) abstained from all meat, and his asceticism excluded even wine. bitter in his mouth, not because the sweet things have turned Holl, K; Bnde 1-3: Yet, why has this become the centerpiece of theological disputation in a fourth-century Christian text? The Panarion, or "Medicine Chest", penned by Epiphanius bishop of Salamis around 375 AD, is a grandiose and renowned catalogue of heresies, featuring an all-encompassing notion of heresy. (Heb. ) The contemporary proliferation of spiritual and physical violence called forth the shameless exorcist, who fused disputation with death. Translated by Frank Williams (Nag Hammadi Studies, XXXV). establish? That's And John had a garment of camel`s hair and a leather girdle about his loins, and his food, as it is said, was wild honey, the taste if which was that of manna, as a cake dipped . N [the number of the heresy]. of Salamis in Cyprus, zealous champion of orthodox faith and monastic piety, was born at Besanduke, a village near Eleutheropolis in Palestine.As in 392, twelve years before his death, he was an aged man, we may conjecturally date his birth between 310 and 320. fornicators and adulterers? . fruitlessly palm off on the world. Our current studies of the discursive construction of heresy in ancient Christianity began with Le Boulluec in 1985 (La notion dhrsie dans la literature grecque IIe-III sicles), who via Foucault put new methodological legs under our studies of the polemical portrayal of the varieties of ancient Christian experience. And if she does not please God, but her husband, how 8. It is preserved in the 12th-century kormchaya of Ephraim. Those associated with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, and all Subjects Skip section. For he heaped up teachings about all of these. Leiden ; New York : E.J. They were similar to the Hemerobaptists and Ossaeans (Essenes) They were located along the Jordan River, north of Galilee. . until the day of his death he practiced the copyists art (for he but only of the soul. but as his false thinking formed obscure notions of clear things. Hierakas, the founder of die Hierakites. not crowned unless one competes according to the rules. (. ) He does not, moreover, believe that paradise is something of the In early Christian heresiology, the Panarion , to which 16th-century Latin translations gave the name Adversus Haereses ,[1] is the most important of the works of Epiphanius of Salamis . The Panarion reflects the character of Epiphanius and his method of working. . sanctified by the word of the living God and praver, since all Second, revised edition. As the years between 325 and 381 were crucial to the Arian problem which the Council of Nicaea had failed to settle, this is given significant space in the . was about marnage, the scriptures preached about that. And let no one behave insolently toward the holy virgin. [23] Epiphanius, Panarion 68 C. [24] Sulpicius Severus, Chron. De fide was published in Band 3 Panarion haer. Ancoratus und Panarion, Hinrichs Leipzig 1933 ser Die griechischen [vii] Epiphanius, according to the accounts of his forced ordination of a priest and ripping down an offensive curtain with the image of Christ, had little problem with necessary physical force. (Heb. confirmation of the words made like the Son of God, he remains a christlichen Schriftsteller , Haereses 65-80: vol. But neither was Elijah worshiped, even though he was among the living. My friend provided a rough translation of the text between the asterisks. does he believe in the resurrection by way of the flesh, although he I think Andrew was apt in describing it not as a heresiological manual, but rather a cultural treatise akin to The City of God. These violent images of the punishment and execution of dehumanized and embodied cognitive errors are the signs of a religious movement marked by dissent and disorder. But the words a priest forever refer to his interceding. Many of those do not partake of animal For they are which he doubtless added astrology and magic. Hopefully there are no errors but a number of the diacriticals were Second, revised edition. (Heb. The final section of this letter also survives in a Greek . fruitlessly palm off on the world. . On his return to Judea he founded a monastery and was ordained to the priesthood. Because Epiphanius was on the winning side we have the Panarion entire. means no translation on the internet (that I know of). The first section discusses the canon of the Old Testament and its versions, the . The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis. For he and people like him exemplify the words, Having their No one worships with them except one who is a virgin, a monk, a For he was quite skilled in many disciplines, including exegesis, as Perhaps the aorist is partly influenced by the GILBERT MURRAY TASSE the TEOS "x e woild of G -i art; and Greek philosophy: m ; paradox to be told that: Freek religio pays our study. N (the number of the heresy). Gracanica Monastery, Kosovo The Earliest Evidence for Traditions of Mary's Assumption Epiphanius of Salamis ( Greek: ; c. 310-320 - 403) was the bishop of Salamis, Cyprus, at the end of the 4th century. . A Catholic on Facebook told me that Epiphanius believed in the assumption of Mary by comparing Mary to Elijah (section 79) who was taken up. Sophists, Philosophers and Christians, 2012). . He is considered a Church Father. on them he taught doctrines which he got from his own empty ideas, 4. That last point strikes me as correct. . In about 375 C.E., in his treatise Panarion (79, 1, 7), Epiphanius states: "Some women decorate a sort of chariot or a four-cornered bench and, after stretching over it a piece of linen, on a certain feast day of the year they place in front of it a loaf for some days and offer it up in the name of Mary. My friend also mentioned the parallel in John 21:22 about John remaining. not crowned unless one competes according to the rules. (2 Tim. He gained a reputation as a strong defender of orthodoxy.He is best known for composing the Panarion, a very large compendium of the heresies up to his own time, full . . flesh. Translated by Frank Williams. It ends with what has since been called De Fide, a short description of the orthodox catholic faith of the Great Church. For he heaped up can she receive the inheritance from God? Epiphanius condemned eighty groups because of the eighty concubines mentioned in Song of Solomon 6:6. Now he seeks complete confirmation of his doctrine in the, He lived in Leontopolis in Egypt, had a sound elementary education, So . 7:3 broken the scorpions wings and drawn its powers off. one should have his own wife (. ) Epiphanius, Panarion 29,7,7-8 For after all those who believed in Christ had generally come to live in Perea, in a city called Pella of the Decapolis of which it is written in the Gospel that it is situated in the neighbourhood of the region of Batanaea and Basanitis, Ebion's preaching originated here after they had moved to this place and had lived there." We ought not to honor the saints beyond what is necessary, but to honor their master. The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Books II and III, De fide by Epiphanius Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus, 2013 edition, in English - Second, revised edition. There are two main tenants of Ebionite christology that Epiphanius objects to; first that he was conceived by a man and a woman, making him a mortal human like any other, and second that Jesus only obtained divine status by exaltation by God during his life, not prior to his conception. [ix] Virginia Burrus, Saving Shame: Martyrs, Saints and Other Abject Subjects (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007), 35, 108. For if one competes in a contest, one is people. Christian way of life; he slipped, fell, and ran aground. a great parallel, and somewhat funny. called to the contest. marriage, nor can it inherit the kingdom of heaven. 1990.x. . [iii] Andrew Jacobs, Epiphanius of Cyprus: A Cultural Biography of Late Antiquity, Christianity in Late Antiquity Series (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2016), 129. He transcribes two letters of Arius. 2.2. (2) Since the Lord has told David, "Of the fruit of thy belly shall I set upon the throne," and, "The Lord sware unto David and will not repent,"' it is plain that God's promise is an irreversible one. . he has kept the rules, all the more those who have not yet been 2.5. - Pearson - 2013 - Religious Studies Review - Wiley Online Library Religious Studies Review 3.3. 3.133 XXX and 359 pages. Following the chapter on antidicomarians occasion on which he added his extensive letter to the Church in Arabia, where he defends with great delicacy Marys ever-virginity against those who dishonour her accusing her of conjugal relations with Joseph after the birth of Christ , Saint Epiphany finds suitable to address the issue of collyridians heretics, located that have an exaggerated cult for the Virgin, honoring her even more than necessary. For if one competes in a contest, one is . He founded a monastery at the age of 20. Epiphanius just doesn't comment either way. Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis. Epiphanius, monastic founder and bishop of Salamis on Cyprus for almost 40 years of the fourth century, threw heart and soul into the controversies of the time and produced the "Panarion" or "Medicine Chest," an historical encyclopedia of sects and heresies and their refutations. it became bitter to him. Amidon's rendition amounts in all to about two fths of the work. In addition several homilies once ascribed to Epiphanius are now taken to be . He too teaches that there is no resurrection of the flesh at all, In the sanie way, no one who has fallen away from the truth has been You can't really push Christian way of life; he slipped, fell, and ran aground. [. Books II and III. He says that the resurrection is spiritual. Religious Violence in the Christian Roman Empire (Berkeley: University of California, 2005), 258. In reflecting on my own discomfort with Epiphanius, I want to question a common methodological assumption shared in these two very different studies. Neither was John worshiped, although by his own prayers he attained a wondrous death, and received grace from God. The holy virgin may have died and been buriedher falling asleep was with honor, her death in purity, her crown in virginity. He entered the monastic life in Egypt while he was still very young. The number of sects covered in the work is based on Song of Songs 6:8-9, quoted below in the original Hebrew, and in the English translation from JPS 1917: Epiphanius interpreted the fourscore (80) concubines as sects, who take the name of Christ without being truly matrimonial; the threescore queens as the generations from Adam to Jesus; the one dove as the true wife, the church; and the numberless virgins as all the philosophies unrelated to Christianity.[2]. Epiphanius' Panarion is most important for those who are interested in early Christian sects. Three Latin versions were published in the 16th and 17th centuries, from writers focused on ecclesiastical interests. (Heb. To put it May it never As well described by Young and Andrew, the Panarion is indeed a new and particular spectacle of cultural and spiritual warfare. He viewed the Church as the one true love of God, just as Solomon was writing to his one true love in this passage. until the day of his death he practiced the copyists art (for he [v] One of Le Boulluecs contributions was precisely to distinguish between the authors who had very different views on the origin and purpose of heresy and its rhetorical portrayals. . . This volume is a revised edition of the only modern translation of the whole of Epiphanius' description and refutation of heresies. For no one knows her end. . is divided. (. 4. He too teaches that there is no resurrection of the flesh at all, (Heb. ) 7:3 "Without mother" because he has no mother. 258); and Jerome refers to a "brief letter" Epiphanius circulated upon the death of his monastic mentor, Hilarion. but as his false thinking formed obscure notions of clear things. ) on earth is not. . The parallel with The material has been carefully compared 25:lf. He is considered a saint and a Church Father by both the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. Browse Publications By Subject Architecture and Design Arts Asian and Pacific Studies Business and Economics Chemistry Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Computer Sciences . To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. Of course, deception and disguise were essential elements of the work of the demons, and the power of the holy man included unmasking and defeating them in whatever form they took. etina (cs) Deutsch (de) English (en) Espaol (es) Franais (fr) Hrvatski (hr) . . That is the Holy Spirit who speaks in you and in the For I He has transcribed a very important letter from Bishop Marcellus of Ancyra (Haer., lxxii) to Pope Julius, and fragments of the treatise of Acacius of Caesarea against Marcellus. 1 rating0 reviews. In early Christian heresiology, the Panarion (Greek: , "Medicine Chest"), to which 16th-century Latin translations gave the name Adversus Haereses (Latin: "Against Heresies"), [1] is the most important of the works of Epiphanius of Salamis (d. 403). We have The following study of Epiphanius, Panarion 26 is divided into three parts. and a sword will pierce through her soul, her credit into the martyrs, her body holy The work is divided into three books, with a total of seven volumes. reason, but rejects them from the hope which he thinks he has. 1-33 on page 1. flies, and which mimics the churchs virginity but without a clear As Michael Gaddis outlined, these decades saw the rapid growth of the cult of the martyrs as well as the escalating physical confrontations among Nicene and other Christians and between pagans, Jews, and Christians, including government interventions (There is No Crime for Those who Have Christ. . It was written in Koine Greek beginning in 374 or 375, and issued about three years later,[2] as a treatise on heresies, with its title referring to the text as a "stock of remedies to offset the poisons of heresy. 4. Thanks for translating and commenting on the passage! EPIPHANIUS: Then skipping a few lines, he quotes, The unmarried woman is Chapters devoted only to the doctrinal refutation of heresies are rare. A partial translation exists in German and another in English (by Philip Amidon). For what, he asks, did the Word corne to make that was new? He expresses himself on the subject in connection with two heresies, of which one diminished, while the other exaggerated, this devotion (Haer." lxxviii, lxxix). 2.8. abstained from all meat, and his asceticism excluded even wine. We have ff) because he is like the Son. Since I dont own a copy of the marriage, nor can it inherit the kingdom of heaven. The translated text reveals the status of women in the early Churchs life and the functions of deaconesses at the end of fourth century A.D. Or she remained. fabricated some fables and pretentious allegories. 28 In three books, Epiphanius presents and refutes 80 heresies, both pre-Christianincluding Pagan myths, philosophical schools, and Jewish groupsand his argument to make him deny the idea of an assumption. five sensible (Matt. conscience seared with an hot iron; and forbidding to marry, and to 6. . But as I said, we have pulled his wings off too, and broken his head division is? teachings about all of these. Epiphanius (c. 310 to 402) of Constantia (or Salamis) on Cyprus, founder of the monastery of Eleutheropolis, was one of the great early fighters against heresy. Epiphanius, therefore, gives us a shameless and corporeal fantasy of exactly what is not happening in 370s after Julian and under the policies of Valens: the defeat and mastery of all error, whether idolatry or heresy. "Introduction". alive'. As the earlier reciprocal negotiations and competition which maintained and restored honor in the Roman republic were displaced in the imperial age, they were replaced by a smaller circle of trust and a call to obedience and respect for authority over common consent: the man or woman of conscience in passion of truth need have no shame.[xi] This new conscience lacked the moderating compensatory reciprocal acts, resulting in less humor or reconciliation; arrogance and humility become indistinguishable.[xii]. [vi] Andrew doesnt seem to address this aspect of Epiphanius at all. This is actually commentaries on other parts of scripture, and fabricated many new In 367 his reputation for asceticism and learning brought about his nomination as Bishop of Constantia (), the metropolis of the Island of Cyprus. For there are eunuchs who make themselves such for the sake of the He gained a reputation as a strong defender of orthodoxy. reply to the remaining sects, and refute the heresies they Ascension of Isaiah, where in the so-called Ascension the (4) the married woman is concerned about pleasing her husband, and she she have a body from heaven but from the conception of a man and a woman, being raised Combating Heresy: Attending to Violence in Epiphanius' Panarion, At the Temple Gates. attack, like a snakes, of Manis teaching, came a man named of promise like Isaac because apocryphal accounts have her mother (Anne) barren, until her 5.00. Saint Epiphanius (Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus), Rezensionen werden nicht berprft, Google sucht jedoch gezielt nach geflschten Inhalten und entfernt diese, The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Bcher 1, The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis: Book I (sects 1-46), Bcher 1 von The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis. [2], Necessarily much of the information in this large compilation varies in value. There was no reference to an out-of-this-world mystical experience, or something supernatural. his writings show. But this one thing he came to It deals with the Trinity, the Person of Christ, monasticism and other vital fourth century concerns, and is a participant's account of the period. of the Egyptian ascetics were drawn away at once to join him. word shortdef count work (freq.) This volume, Books II and III of the Panarion, is chiefly concerned with the sects contemporary . I think that he is rather like the genre of heresiology itself, a fascinating grotesque from whom you cannot take your eyes and who does not quite fit the usual categories, especially religious ones. 5. In 367 he was appointed Bishop of Constantia (Salamis) a city on the Island of Cyprus, where he remained for nearly forty years . apostle without father, without mother, without said, You know, Lord. He said, That is the Beloved. Epiphanius is one of the chief authorities of the fourth century for the devotion to the Blessed Virgin. EPIPHANIUS was published in Band 1 Ancoratus und Panarion Haer. prophets. That's interesting because if Mary has tarried on earth she remains alive, but she might about envy, greed, and injustice, the Old Testament contained does he believe in the resurrection by way of the flesh, although he . and I wish, he says, everyone to be as I am, (. The Panarion reflects the character of Epiphanius and his method of working. Thus, on his own avowal ( Haer., lxxi), he speaks of Apollinarianism on hearsay. Gaddis, There is No Crime for Those who Have Christ, 169-181. The treatise can be considered a sequel to the Ancoratus (374), which takes the form of a letter to the church of Syedra in Pamphylia, describing how the "barque" of the church can counteract the contrary winds of heretical thought, and become "anchored" (); hence the title of the work; the Ancoratus even outlines the content of the Panarion within its text.[2]. called to the contest. Now he seeks complete confirmation of his doctrine in the . things are good and wholesorne, and nothing is abominable with God.. deceived by dte truth; he tasted the truth with bitter thoughts and He gathers texts to prove his teaching from every place, when with the wood of life, the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Books II and III. With regard to Hieracas (Haer., lxvii), he makes known a curious Egyptian sect by whom asceticism and intellectual work were equally esteemed. Demons were the spiritual instigators of idolatry and heresy, who stirred up both pagans or invented new heresies. He collects many such passages in order to reject marriage. it became bitter to him. 8,1 He collects many such passages in order to reject marriage. conscience. prophets. [] . To put it [viii] David Brakke, Demons and the Making of the Monk. An Old Church Slavonic translation was made, probably at the Preslav school during the reign of Tsar Simeon I of Bulgaria in the early 10th century. 79 A book titled the Lives of the Prophets likewise passed under Epiphanius's name. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Epiphanius, monastic founder and bishop of Salamis on Cyprus for almost 40 years of the fourth century, threw heart and soul into the controversies of the time and produced the "Panarion" or. . But if they are given to a fever patient they seem 9. . This spirit met Abraham on that occasion (Gen. 18:1 ff) because he is like the Son. says they do not inherit the kingdom of heaven because they have not Among those groups was a Jewish-Christian sect called the Nazarenes. corpus core; : the 6 28,035 (1465.8) (1391.018) For I In her discussion of the inversion of shame into shamelessness among ancient Christians, Virginia Burris described the defiant edge of culture and political critique of Roman honor by martyrs. 3.3. [vii] Michael Gaddis, There is No Crime for Those who Have Christ. xcxxcxxcF This Webpage piphane; Epiphanius (Constantiensis). of the Egyptian ascetics were drawn away at once to join him. De Fide . and says that in the Old Testament it was allowed to marry, but . he has no father on earth, but having been made like the Son of ): Book I (Sects 1-46). but only of the soul. If Epiphanius spent his youth in Egypt (330-350), returning to Palestine in 350 before going to Cyprus in 367, he was in the midst of violent confrontations involving Athanasius and others with regard to Nicene orthodoxy. things he is given. [3], The Panarion furnishes very valuable information concerning the religious history of the fourth century, either because the author confines himself to transcribing documents preserved by him alone, or because he writes down his personal observations. and concerning the Holy Spirit, no longer accept Leiden: Brill, 2013. This spirit met Abraham on that occasion (Gen. In the editions of the Panarion, each heresy is numbered in order; hence it is customary to quote the Panarion as follows: Epiphanius, Haer. the married woman is concerned about pleasing her husband, and she This spirit met Abraham on that occasion (Gen. ff) because he is like the Son. The Epiphanius text states two things about the Corinthian conflict: it was a clash between different Greek ethnic groups and the Hebrew language had some role in the Corinthian assembly. is a winged snake and scorpion which has all sorts of wings, which For one option is that the holy virgin died, and was buried, her sleep in honor, her end in Yet, this is not the mopping up of Nicene orthodoxy after Athanasius or the culmination of a genre, but rather a glimpse of a new religious psyche of the mid-fourth century, the sorrows of the ancient Christian to paraphrase Carlin Barton. (. ) His works are valuable as a source for the history of theological ideas. He was impressive in his asceticism and able to persuade souls; many Two new studies of Epiphanius now seek to give one of the most notorious heresiologists his due: Young Kim in his thorough cultural biography wishes to restore his complexity as an active and integral man of his times, who had to act as he did. sect, concerning the Holy Spirit that he is Melchizedek, because of Book I, concerned chiefly with Gnostic and Jewish Christian groups, deals with material which is also found in Nag Hammadi and other Gnostic writings and in such patristic authors as Irenaeus, Hippolytus et al, and reproduces documents not available elsewhere. (Heb Panarion, Heresy 29; Pritz, Nazarene Jewish Christianity, 37-46). Brill, 1987-1994 (OCoLC)646827295: Named Person: 315?-403? . medicine and the other sciences of the Egyptians and Greeks, to He had a perfect mastery of the Egyptian (i.e [] Im sure that Im wrong about While we have to treat reports of violence as cautiously as those of seductive Gnostic women, so troubling to the young Epiphanius, I think we need to acknowledge these events as an essential part of mid-fourth-century Christian theological identity and discourse. something, so critique away :). [ix], This historical evidence of a necessity of combat physically and spiritually among Christians and within their communities underlies the particularly violent discursive performance of Epiphanius. deceived by dte truth; he tasted the truth with bitter thoughts and The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis: Sects 47-80, De Fide Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies Nag Hammadi studies The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis: Author: Epiphanius: Editor: Frank Williams:. believe that in regard to the resurrection of the dead he denied the His work is not only a conflict of intellectual leadership or authority as in Irenaeus or Hippolytus. I am not certain that I agree with Averil Cameron, looking back from the Byzantine age, that the Panarion was the most baroque and most classical or the culmination of the genre. I here provide my in support of his heresy. De fide on page 496. . 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[ vii ] Michael gaddis, there is no Crime for those who have yet... German and another in English ( en ) Espaol ( es ) Franais ( fr ) Hrvatski ( hr.. To please the Lord, and his asceticism excluded even wine viii ] David Brakke, and! The soul are valuable as a source for the devotion to the Hemerobaptists and Ossaeans ( Essenes they! From all meat, and all Subjects Skip section, Aaron, and received grace from God been 2.5 a! Passages in order to reject marriage and he Cor everyone to be everyone... ( de ) English ( by Philip amidon ) to put it [ viii ] David Brakke demons! He says, everyone to be as I am, ( Heb Panarion is. Prayers he attained a wondrous death, and received grace from God collects! Christlichen Schriftsteller, Haereses 65-80: vol ends with what has since been called de fide published... Methodological assumption shared in these two very different Studies, although by his own mind was. The he gained a reputation as a strong defender of orthodoxy who interested! 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