The buying, selling or transferring of tickets or chances in any lottery is hereby prohibited. Television receiver in driver's view prohibited. 60A POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA. Art Gambling. Whoever violates any provision of this article or fails to comply with any of its mandatory provisions shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00). Pre-existing locations. Operator Fox Ruff with the City of Kenova helps the West Virginia Department of Highways pump clean water into the system as they deliver emergency water to the Kenova Water Treatment Plant. The following words and phrases when used in this article shall for the purposes of this article have the following respective meanings: (a) "Person" includes individuals, firms, partnerships, associations, corporations and combinations thereof, of whatever form or character; (b) "Public utility service" means all services and tangible personal property purchased within this Municipality from a seller, as hereinafter in this section defined, namely, telephone service, electric service, gas service, including bottled or liquid gas, if the seller thereof is classified a public utility subject to the jurisdiction of the State Public Service Commission; water service and sanitary sewer service, if purchased, used or consumed within the corporate limits of this Municipality; (c) "Purchaser" includes every person who purchases, uses or consumes a public utility service; (d) "Seller" includes every person, whether a public service corporation, a municipality or private corporation, classified as a public utility and subject to the jurisdiction of the State Public Service Commission, who sells, furnishes or supplies a public utility service; and (e) "User" means the owner or tenant of private residential property or the owner or tenant of property used for commercial or industrial purposes, and every combination thereof, of every kind or description. (b) "Person" means any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, association or other. View the City Ordinances for the City of Pierre. (Wac 17C-7-2) OVERTAKING, PASSING TO LEFT; DRIVER'S DUTIES. (2) When the funeral lead vehicle lawfully enters an intersection, either by reason of a traffic control device or at the direction of law-enforcement personnel, the remaining vehicles in the funeral procession may follow through the intersection regardless of any traffic control devices or rightof-way provisions prescribed by state or local law. (Wac ) PENALTY. (WVaC 17C- 13-6) ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLES. 2.1 CLERK, CITY business and occupation tax assessed CLERK-TREASURER bond Chtr. 27. Art Miscellaneous Sales. It shall be the duty of the attendant to prohibit any person under the age of eighteen (18) years from entering the sexually oriented business. Operator Fox Ruff with the City of Kenova helps The West Virginia Department of Highways pump clean water into the system as they deliver emergency water to the Kenova Water Treatment Plant on Jan . B. (a) Members of the Police Department are hereby authorized to move a vehicle from a street or highway, any parking lot or parking facility owned and/or operated by the City to the nearest garage or other place of safety or to a garage designated or maintained by the Police Department or otherwise maintained by this City without prior notice to the owner of the vehicle under the circumstances hereinafter set forth: (1) When any vehicle is left unattended upon any bridge, viaduct or causeway or in any tube or tunnel where such vehicle constitutes an obstruction to traffic. No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle or article which prevents the driver from keeping at least one hand upon the handlebars. 1877-15, CITY OF AURORA CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NUMBER DATE OF PASSAGE, 10 LC 36 1527 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT. All air ducts, large pipes and storage tanks located at or below the base flood elevation shall be firmly anchored to resist flotation. This penalty shall be in addition to the mercantile establishment's rights to recover the stolen merchandise. 175 Committee on Transportation, TABLE OF CONTENTS. (2) Upon a second conviction under this section, the defendant shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, or incarcerated in jail not more than thirty days, or both fined and incarcerated Replacement, 258 58C Theft of Cable Television Services (3) Upon a third conviction under this section, the defendant shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, or incarcerated in jail not less than five days, nor more than thirty days. When the Commission establishes an historic district, building, site or transportation system, it shall notify the Assessor of the fact of such establishment and the boundaries of the district, together with the restrictions which are applicable to the properties located in such district which have been mutually agreed upon by such Commission and the owners of property within such district. (Ord ) 1 SOS.03 DEFINITIONS. Art Kenova Historical Commission. (a) The National Fire Codes shall be enforced by the Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Fire Department of the City which is hereby established and which shall be operated under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department. (a) Upon any street or highway outside of a business or residence district no person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon the paved or main-traveled part of the street or highway when it is practicable to stop, park or so leave such vehicle off such part of the street or highway, but in every event an unobstructed width of the street or highway opposite a standing vehicle shall be left for the free passage of other vehicles and a clear view of such stopped vehicles shall be available from a distance of 200 feet in each direction upon such highway or street. Whoever violates the provisions of this article shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00); upon a second conviction within one year thereafter, shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00); and upon a third or subsequent conviction shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). recorded. 3 Submission of ordinances and resolutions to Mayor - see CHTR. (b) The term "safety glass" shall mean any product composed of glass, so manufactured, fabricated or treated as substantially to prevent shattering and flying of the glass when struck or broken, or such other or similar product as may be approved by the Commissioner. (c) Nothing in this section shall be construed as impairing the duly delegated power and authority of the Park Board in and about the matters of administration of the Park and its related facilities, including the boat ramp. No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with. CROSS REFERENCES Residency requirement - see CHTR. (Ord ) LANDSCAPING. (a) Any employee who is actually on duty in excess of eight (8) hours in one day or in excess of forty (40) hours in one "work week," as defined in Section of this Article, shall be compensated at a rate of one (1) and one half ('12) times his or her regular hourly rate of pay for each hour so worked in excess per day or per week. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that a railroad train is operated by the carrier whose marks, numbers, signs and symbols of identification appear on the engine or caboose of such railroad train. A "substantial financial interest" as used herein, shall be deemed to be an interest amounting to more than five percent of the particular business enterprise or contract. 2014- SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 AN ORDINANCE CREATING CHAPTER 95, ARTICLE III, OF THE SEMINOLE COUNTY CODE, REGISTRATION AND MAINTENANCE OF FORECLOSED PROPERTIES; PROVIDING, 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT ELEVATOR c. P-4 The Passenger and Freight Elevator Act being Chapter P-4 of The Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan, 1978 (effective February 26, 1979) as amended by the Statutes of, CHAPTER 13. Art Commercial and Heavy Vehicles. More. 2-76 An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into an, CHAPTER VII ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Section 7.1 Administrative Officers Generally. (5) The premises to be used for the sexually oriented business have not been approved by the Health Department, Fire Department or Building Official as being in compliance with applicable laws or ordinances Replacement, 283 BUSINESS AND TAXATION CODE 2 (6) The permit andlor license fee required by this article has not been paid. Signature of Candidate State of West Virginia County of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of,- by My commission expires Notary Public "(b) The petition to be filed shall be in the following form: "We, the undersigned qualified registered voters of the City of Kenova hereby petition that the name of, whose residence is at in Kenova, be placed on the ballot for the primary election to be held on the day of April, as a candidate for Name Address Princinct Date of Signing" A petition shall be filed separately for each candidate and shall be signed by at least twenty-five qualified registered voters of the City to be valid. (f) (g) (h) (4) Excise taxes imposed by this State; or (5) Money or other property received or held by a professional person for the sole use and benefit of a client or another person or money received by the taxpayer on behalf of a bank or other financial institution for the repayment of a debt of another. (WVaC a) INTOXICATION OR DRINKING IN PUBLIC PLACES; ILLEGAL POSSESSION. I RULES AND REGULATlCSNS 1. Persons entitled to recover damages under this section shall include, but are not limited to, the State, any municipal corporation, county commission and board of education, or other political subdivision of this State or any person or organization of any kind or character. (WVaC 17C-1-17) POLICE OFFICER. The payee or holder of a check, draft or order which has been dishonored because of insufficient funds or credit may send notice thereof to the drawer of the check, draft or order. (1) General rule. Art Kenova Historical Commission. Email Follow Us Tail light; illumination of rear license plate. (7) Contain proof of liability insurance if required by permit type. (WVaC 17C-1-36) RAILROAD. (a) No person shall falsely represent himself or herself to be a law-enforcement officer or law-enforcement official or be under the order or direction of any such person. Each member of Council, including the President and Vice President, shall be entitled to one vote on any matter before Council. 7-1: Sec. Such owner shall surrender to such authority, or he may, with written consent of the authority, take the animal to a licensed veterinarian for confmement for a period of fourteen days. 28 CHARTER CITY OF KENOVA, WEST VIRGINIA ARTICLE ONE POWERS AND FORM OF GOVERNMENT SECTION 1.1 INCORPORATION. ARTICLE I Name and Purposes of the Business Name. CROSS REFERENCES Crimes against public justice - see W.Va. Code Art JAIL BREAKING BY CONVICTED OR UNCONVICTED PRISONER. Application for building permit and site plan approvals shall be made, in writing, to the Permit Officer, and includes all information stipulated under Section Replacement, 382 BUILDING AND HOUSING CODE 14 (d) Changes. (b) A vehicle passing around a rotary traffic island shall be driven only to the right of such island. Each package containing toy paper or plastic caps offered for retail sale shall be labeled to indicate the maximum explosive content per cap. (b) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than one running-board courtesy lamp on each side thereof which shall emit a white or amber light without glare. No error in the name of the property owner, the description of the property nor in the materials designated to be cut and removed shall affect the validity of any such notice; provided, that from the description of such lot, land or property the identity thereof may be established with reasonable certainty. To use this website, you must agree to our, Section 2. (a) Hotel room occupancy billed directly to the federal government shall be exempt from the City hotel occupancy tax; provided, that rooms paid for by a federal government employee for which reimbursement is made shall be subject to such tax Replacement, 334 3 9 Hotel Occupancy Tax (b) Hotel room occupancy billed directly to the State or its political subdivisions shall be exempt from such tax; provided. (a) Such vehicle shall be marked or placarded on each side and the rear with the word "Explosives" in letters not less than eight inches high, or there shall be displayed on the rear of such vehicle a red flag not less than twenty-four inches square marked with the word "Danger" in white letters six inches high. Whenever practicable the left turn shall be made in that portion of the intersection to the left of the center of the intersection. (WVaC 17A-3-15) OPERATION OF VEHICLE WITHOUT EVIDENCE OF REGISTRATION; USE OF TEMPORARY FACSIMILE. (a) No person shall by any means keep, hold, detain or restrain any person in a house of prostitution or other place where prostitution is practiced or allowed; shall, directly or indirectly, keep, hold, detain or restrain or attempt to keep, hold, detain or restrain, in any house of prostitution or other place where prostitution is practiced or allowed, any person by any means, for the purpose of compelling such person, directly or indirectly, to pay, liquidate or cancel any debt, dues or obligations incurred or said to have been incurred by such person. CROSS REFERENCES Child Bicycle Safety Act - see W. Va. Code Art. (WvaC 6 1-3A-2) (f) (e) Civil Liability. The names of the two candidates for Mayor and the names of the ten candidates for Council which receive the highest number of votes in any primary election shall be placed on the general election ballot; provided, however, if in any primary election, the names of two or fewer candidates for Mayor and of ten or fewer candidates for council appear on the primary ballot, the candidate for Mayor and the five Council candidates receiving the highest number of votes in the primary shall be declared elected and the general election for that year will not be held. Eff, ) Replacement, 49 Issuance of warrants; oaths; bonds. (WVaC 17B-4-4) REGISTRATION OF VEHICLES OF NEW RESIDENTS. The Sewage Department Head and the Fire Chief shall serve as ex-officio members of the Commission. The Commission may, whenever a vacancy of the Directorship occurs, suggest a name in nomination for Director, but only Council may vote for the nominees. "Laned roadway" means a roadway which is divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for vehicular traffic. (f) "Animal Warden" means the person or persons employed by the City. (h) "Escort" means a person who, for consideration, agrees or offers to act as a companion, guide, or date for another person, or who agrees or offers to privately model lingerie or to privately perform a striptease for another person. No person shall keep or harbor any dog within the Municipality which, by frequent and habitual barking, howling or yelping, creates unreasonably loud and disturbing noises of such a character, intensity and duration as to disturb the peace, quiet and good order of the Municipality. A person exercising privileges taxable under the other sections of the article, producing coal, oil, natural gas, minerals, timber or other natural resource products the production of which is taxable under Section and using or consuming the same in his business, shall be deemed to be engaged in the business of mining and producing coal, oil, natural gas, minerals, timber or other natural resource products for sale, profit or commercial use and shall be required to make returns on account of the productions of the business showing the gross proceeds or equivalent in accordance with uniform and equitable rules corresponding as nearly as possible to the gross proceeds from the sale of similar products of like quality or character by other taxpayers, which rules the Clerk-Treasurer shall prescribe. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the City of Kenova, West Virginia, has caused hereto affixed, this day of, 20-. VII, Sec. The exercise of rights in, under or upon property by virtue of rights of way or easements by a public utility or other person owning such right of way or easement whether by written or prescriptive right. Farmer vehicle driver" means the person employed and designated by the farmer to drive a farm vehicle as long as driving is not his sole or principal function on the farm, who is at least eighteen years of age with two years licensed driving experience. (WVaC l7c ) RAILROAD SIGN OR SIGNAL. The fee charged to the owner(s) of residential property shall be three cents (3C) per square foot for the first floor of the main structure on the property. (b) In the event that a vacancy shall occur during the term of any member, his or her successor shall be appointed for the unexpired portion of the term. Whenever a motor vehicle is being operated on a roadway or shoulder adjacent thereto during the times specified in Section , the driver shall use a distribution of light, or composite beam, directed high enough and of sufficient intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a safe distance in advance of the vehicle, subject to the following requirements and limitations: (a) Whenever a driver of a vehicle approaches an oncoming vehicle within 500 feet, such driver shall use a distribution of light, or composite beam, so aimed that the glaring rays are not projected into the eyes of the oncoming driver.

Countryside Country Club Membership Fees, Articles C