You may be drawn to the past (South Node): old obsessions, addictions, power plays, domination, manipulation, secrets. As Venus wraps up its journey through the zodiac, the planet comes to its exaltation in the psychic waters of Pisces. With the goddess of love in Pisces, our love is all-embracing, we are able to forgive and understand, we are seducible and seductive, and we show compassion to our partners. Alright, well, I hope that some of you will be able to take advantage of that that's backed by popular demand because a lot of people had were not able to take advantage of the Kickstarter when it was around. Cosmos of Astrology website uses cookies to improve your experience. The effects of this transit are more fleeting and may manifest more like moods or happy incidents. There can be an increased urge to give. Venus will make the following aspects during its stay in Pisces (all times GMT): 18th April: sextile Uranus (1349), romance and finances may receive a boost as life gets exciting again, 28th April: conjunct Neptune (2428), dreams really could be too good to be true, 1st May: conjunct Jupiter (2757) and sextile Pluto (2835), might be a good day to play those lottery numbers or there may be a new person on the horizon for some, Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesnt go away. Philip K. Dick, Association of Professional Astrologers International, Copyright 2016 - All text and images Copyright - My Sky Pie - Style + Culture, delivered straight to your inbox. It's true, and it's beautiful, you know, people who want to save endangered animals or something like that. Confirm when challenges and pleasurable experiences await you with a personal, 12-month Love & Passion Destiny report! The way forward (North Node) is about building up. Click on enrol. But why? "During its stay in Pisces, Venus will be forming positive connections to many planets, including Uranus, Saturn, and most importantly, Jupiter and Neptune," says. Hope you guys are having a good one. When Venus passes through the house of travel and higher education, she changes her world by looking at it differently. This will NOT give you access to Patreon posts. I'll leave it on a high note. Anyway, click on View enrollment details, it'll take you to the bottom you can see the earlybird payment is down to $900. Venus enters Pisces on 27th Apr, 2022 06:16 pm Venus enters Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra on 30th Apr, 2022 04:10 pm Venus enters Revati Nakshatra on 12th May, 2022 07:05 am Venus enters Aries on 23rd May, 2022 08:27 pm Venus enters Bharani Nakshatra on 4th Jun, 2022 04:57 am Venus enters Krittika Nakshatra on 15th Jun, 2022 11:25 am Venus enters Pisces Venus is in Pisces from April 5-May 2, 2022. Its devoted, compassionate, and capable of sacrifice. Published: Saturday, April 2nd April 2022. Love at first sight and particularly falling in love with an illusion is common while Venus is in Pisces. There are some shadows to all of these that we'll talk about as well. December 6: Mercury enters Capricorn. April 5th, 2022: Venus Enters Pisces April 4, 2022 Nadia Gilchrist Venus enters Pisces at 11:17 am EDT. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Not just aggrandized, but let's say amplified and amplified since maybe a better word, in this case, an amplified sense of what is good and and just and beautiful. Rather, Pisces sees all the colors of the rainbow. Yeah, I'm going to I'm gonna I'm just gonna edit it right now. But just to give you a little sense of how dignities work, how planets relate to signs and signs to houses, and so forth. Let me know! No spam ever. Borders and boundaries blur under Venus in Pisces. Rather, Pisces sees all the colors of. So I really don't let people jump ahead in my programmes unless they have completed other certification courses in Hellenistic astrology, in particular, because you need to even if you've studied astrology a lot already, if you don't have a background in this, you need to start from scratch. And while I was there, at least five or six different ideas for new series that I'll be doing, all inspired, really by sitting by the ocean and praying, you know, like, without having to do any work for the first time since 2014, it was it was completely blissful. Use this transit to to release what's been weighing you down. For an easier life, we can be a bit too quick to agree with someone because we dont have the energy, inclination, or ability to disagree. It can also agitate a creative itch. Venus is generally interested in pleasure and beauty, but there is more to it than eating chocolates and doting on flowers. See our Privacy Policy for more information. Venus has been through the ringer this year; first the planet was trapped in a grueling retrograde in Capricorn, only to shift into yet another Saturn-ruled sign, Aquarius. Pisces never sees the world in black-and-white terms. As ruler of the North Node, Venus into Pisces can help you release those old obsessions. Rather, Pisces sees all the colors of the rainbow. Overall, Venus in Pisces is going to give us a wonderfully positive month just in time to propel us into spring. I think of my grandmother, for example, who had Venus in pisces, and she liked to get up early in the morning at sunrise and she liked to walk through an apple orchard that might there wasn't a big one. to 78887. She has an uncanny ability to read the needs and desires of others, almost as if they were her own. Lucky Jupiter celestial ruler of your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and partnerships starts 2022 back in its sign of rulership, Pisces, and your ambitious 10th house of. Chironic Healer. Don't forget that mercury finds it hard to exist in this sign in the ancient language of the dignities. Something went wrong. Katharine Smiths eating disorder began, Its perfectly normal to develop a sexual routine with a partner, especially if youre in a long-term relationship. Ascension & Awakening Coach. Anyway, that is what I've got for today to sort of prime this watery pump and get us thinking about Venus entering the sign of the fish. It fills every last crack in the reef, every shell, every underwater cave, like liquid copper filling a mould. In the fourth house, Venus love for beauty is likely to be unleashed on the home environment. Find out everything you need to know about the April 2022s Venus in Pisces transit, below. Something went wrong. It's all about love and longing, desire and sentiment, sensuousness and dreams. Number nine, faith, romance and devotion, I think at the core of every world religion, that you know, I've studied anyway, whether we're talking about Sufism, Islam, we're talking about Buddhism, Christianity, there's always a sect or there are always expressions of the faith that really boiled down to nothing more than devotion. But rarely do you have such a perfect time for launching a new idea or pursuit. This transit can be rewarding. Arm yourself with facts influencing the future of FIVE areas of your world! Helping my channel grow. . Rather, Pisces sees all the colors of the. There's a sense of the care and compassion, but also, to be honest, many people build they're not and I'm not trying to criticise people who you know, want to take care of endangered animals. Venus' energy is exaggerated in this sign, which means heightened romance, universal love and effortless attraction. When the planet of love enters this terrain, it loses track of time. I don't want make it seem like it's all roses. Venus rules pleasure-seeking, self-indulgent Taurus but she is exalted in the sign of Pisces, allowing her to emanate her heart connecting energy in all of its infinite expressions, easing up on the tensions within our relationships. Anyway, it's about a month long transit. And so it's not that there's no possible union or synthesis between these qualities, but sometimes this sign and Venus's exultation in the sign will mean a diminishment of the rational in favour of the sensual that could be a good thing could be a bad thing totally depends on the circumstance. December 21: Sun enters Capricorn; Winter Solstice . But faith romance and devotion at the essence of every world religion, I think of the Dalai Lama, I think of Thich Naht Hanh, so many different great saints that you know, have been an important part of my life and my growth and development. Creativity soars as limits fade. This transit may make it a bit difficult to concentrate. December 20: Jupiter enters Aries. But she also enjoys a special treat from time to time. I don't think I have anything new to say about that. Venus enters Pisces on April 5 and will shine like a pearl in an ocean in the hours just before dawn, and on through to May 2, 2022. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. And I'm going to navigate over to the website right now and just show you briefly how to find it. There is a tendency for excess, which can go either way: it can mean total abstinence and spiritual purity or over-indulgence and laziness.Psychologically, this Venus seeks to overcome existential loneliness. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Emotional issues could take centre stage at work. And because of that the planet that quote unquote rules the sign Jupiter, for example, rules Pisces, that planet will then have responsibilities or kind of will be will preside over the karma of the topics of the house. . I think I'm really badly mixing my metaphors. Rather, Pisces sees all the colors of the rainbow. But you know compared to in my mind compared to Saturn Uranus the past couple years, you know Pluto Saturn and Saturn in Capricorn and then Aquarius, Jupiter and back to back Saturn signs. We seek activities that move, inspire, or touch us. The idea of the mould is a very fitting image for Venus in Pisces. Sometimes we need a dose of romantic inflation and sometimes that could be taking us over the top somehow. (Thursday) 9:32 pm EST(GMT-05:00) View in my time. I won't go into my own chart anymore. Jupiter In Pisces Is The Defining Transit Of 2022. It's sort of so big that it's a little scary in but it's also beautiful at the same time. plus your question Romantic tragedy. Not only is Venus finally able to let loose and operate at its full potential, but the benefic is also part of the dreamiest, most expansive Pisces stellium in a long time. Let's go through them. On April 5th, Venus transcends the nearly 5-month restriction and tension she endured as she fell prey to the harsh influences of several major planetary forces and enters dreamy and imaginative Pisces, lifting our hearts into 5D consciousness and moving our love for others into unified exaltation. Venus is exalted in Pisces, so works well in this sign. If there was ever a time to be lucky in love, it'd be now. But, you know, sublime isn't a bad expression of that. Pisces is a sign of compassion. SMS costs $1.50 per msg, max 2 per reply. Venus enters Pisces at 11:17 am EDT. E-mail Address Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Here's Why Elizabeth Gulino Last Updated December 26, 2021, 7:00 AM Finally, some good news. He's an easy one that comes to my mind. Pisces never sees the world in black-and-white terms. So don't forget that Venus. This month, the abundance keeps on flowing when Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money, enters your sign, Pisces, on Tuesday, April 5. If you subscribe and you click on the notification bell, you'll receive updates when I go live and I'll be doing that a few times in the next week. Pisces energies de-crystallize the 3D program of seperation and while this allows for even more powerfully connected relationships, it can lead to emotional and energetic enmeshment which finds people using their relationship to escape their own pain or personal sense of destiny. A job well begun is a job half done. So goes the old saying. Today Venus enters the sign of its exaltation, leaving behind Aquarian egalitarianism for Piscean devotion. Allow yourself the pleasure to create and have some fun with that or use it as a meditative practice to reach the flow zone.Psychologically, nurturing the inner child releases a huge amount of energy and feel-good hormones.Spiritually, love and creativity come from the same source. It is best to address them with compassion and empathy.Psychologically, stress can give rise to emotional instability. But I remember one morning we got up really early because we're going to go fishing. Required fields are marked *. Venus in Pisces sees the world via her mirror neurons and is extremely sensitive to subtle emotional ripples. So suddenly, Mars becomes the romantic Crusader with a sense of righteous purpose and cause it's a combination of Jupiter and Venus. And that's the that's the kind of Venus and Pisces feeling that I'm trying to get out here with these last two. Well, it's because, in part, when Mars is in the feminine, watery, double bodied sign of Jupiter, the feminine water sign of Jupiter, and the exultation of Venus, it will have to behave in accordance with the customs and gods of that temple. The shadow side of this position is allowing ourselves to be deceived, as well as evasiveness. So I'm sorry about that. Your email address will not be published. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. By continuing to use the site, you accept our use of cookies. This dreamy duo will have us. Whether you're brand new, or you've been studying for a while, it's incredible to study from the ground up. Venus in Pisces will dissolve boundaries in partnerships which are set in place for a reason so notice when you are moving in too deeply, too quickly and when you are having a hard time distinguishing which emotion is your own and what thoughts are theirs? One of the more genetic combinations of the year and exalted Venus next to Jupiter in its own sign, along with mystical otherworldly Neptune. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Until May 2, well be under a seductive love spell! Sensitivity can be a helpful trait, but may also be confusing if it blurs the boundaries between self and non-self. 26jan9:32 pmVenus enters PiscesPlanetary Ingress9:32 pm EST(GMT-05:00) View in my timeEvent Type :Planetary Ingress, Venus entersPisces GST/HST added for Canadian customers. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Venus in Pisces looks for patterns and meaningful connections. Although Venus enters Pisces every year, 2022's transit is going to be super powerful thanks to some harmonious connections with other planets. This is v.2 of last year's transit. Venus enters Pisces. Venus, the Planet of Love and Affection, is entering its all-time favorite sign, Pisces, on April 5. December 7: Full Moon in Gemini. No spam ever. Venus In Pisces 2022 Brings Sweetness To Your Love Life The spiritual meaning of Venus' transit through the waters of Pisces. The spiritual meaning of Venus' transit through the waters of Pisces. "During its stay in Pisces, Venus will be forming . Although we like to think of Venus without beautiful, pretty things Venus is very Shakespearean, especially in the sign of Pisces. And we know that there's a religious inclination behind the ancient cult of Dionysus. NYLON 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. In the house of possessions and money, Venus in Pisces is very giving. Today we are going to talk about Venus's entrance into Pisces, the sign where Venus is exalted. December 9: Venus enters Capricorn. Which house is she activating for you? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It does not store any personal data. Planetary news this week: Venus in Aries and a Super Pisces New Moon; Musings on the left and right brain of astrologers; Planetary news: Mercury in Aquarius and the Pisces New SuperMoon . The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". So the Courses page right here, and if you are new and just starting, you do not have a background yet in Hellenistic astrology, then you're probably going to want to go to the first year course. So it's a pretty nice deal, especially if you are bundling things together. Venus is exalted in Pisces and does well in the sign. The planet of love, is finally leaving the cool and detached sign of Aquarius and moving into Pisces. February 28th, 2023: Gemini To Cancer Moon, February 27th, 2023: Venus Conjunct Vesta, February 26th, 2023: Mercury Sextile Juno, Horoscopes for February 26th - March 5th, 2023, February 25th, 2023: The Taurus Moon Is Shaken, February 23rd, 2023: Jupiter Square Pallas, February 21st, 2023: Mercury Square Uranus, Horoscopes for February 19th, 2023-February 26th, 2023, February 18th, 2023: Pisces Season Begins, February 17th, 2023: Mercury Sextile Jupiter, February 15th, 2023: Venus Conjunct Neptune, February 14th, 2023: Mercury Opposite Black Moon Lilith, February 13th, 2023: Last Quarter Scorpio Moon, February 12th, 2023:Mercury Sextile Vesta. MERCURY GLIDES INTO DREAMY PISCES 2 MARCH 2023, NEW MOON IN PISCES ON 19-20 FEBRUARY 2023, URANUS STATIONS DIRECT ON 22 JANUARY 2023, OOB NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS ON 21 JANUARY 2023, MERCURY STATIONS DIRECT IN CAPRICORN 18 JANUARY 2023, MARS STATIONS DIRECT BUT REMAINS OOB ON 12 JANUARY 2023. APRIL 5 2022 - VENUS ENTERS PISCES. When Venus finds a way to express these, she feels aligned with the divine will. Have you received your Free Future Destiny Reading? Mars expressing itself through the the lens or the almost like being refracted through the prismatic expression of Mars being filtered through like a Jupiter Venus lens or something like that? We talked about Dionysus, for example, sometimes we just mean you know, partying and getting drunk on wine and sort of being dismembered in ecstatic revelry. rulerships. Because Venus is beautiful, but Jupiter's aggrandisement Jupiter's bigness, Jupiter's tendency towards things that are transcendent, will make Venus into not just beauty but something sublime and sublime can be something that is the scope is big, it's like looking into the Hubble telescope, it's beautiful. Of jupiter and Venus is a job well begun is a very fitting image for Venus in sees... To find it 21: Sun enters Capricorn ; Winter Solstice Astrology website uses cookies to improve your while! 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